“Blitz”, from the German word for lightning, which means a focused application of energy. A Permablitz is when that energy is focused on installing part of a Permaculture system. “Perma” is short for Permaculture, which is a design system for sustainable living and land use. Technically, a Permablitz is a day on which at least two people come together to: Create or add an edible garden, grow resiliency, build community connections, and have fun!
A Permablitz is always free and open to the public to come volunteer their time. Much like a barn-raising, people gather to put together a Permaculture-inspired design for someone, that can include rain catchment systems, garden, earthworks, huglekultur, etc. We love flipping lawns into food! This is a chance to get some good exercise and have a good time. We support replacing inedible lawn grass into food producing Permaculture Gardens!
Interested in being a part of Permablitz? Click here to join the Utah Permaculture Collective network and join our Facebook group to learn more about Permablitz’s and how to get involved!

 Earth Care. People Care. Care of the Future